During the first year of its existence, the Municipal Art Society undertook the commissioning of the first of many murals to decorate the new courthouse, then under construction. While uncertain whether the Society commissioned these particular murals, it seems likely since these are among the earliest.
Ancient Lawgivers
Unveiled 1907
1. Justinian (527-565 A.D.)
Justinian is best known as the codifier of Roman Law and for his military conquests.
2. Lycurgus (c. 800 B.C.)
Lycurgus is depicted as consulting the Oracle at Delphi.
3. Mohammed (570-632 A.D.)
Mohammed is depicted in Paradise with two of his favorite grand-children.
4. Confucius (551- 479 B.C.)
Confucius is seated under his favorite apple tree playing the lyre for two of his disciples.
5. Moses (c. 13th B.C.)
Moses is depicted with Joshua and Aaron on Mt. Sinai.
6. Numma Pompilius (715-673 B.C.)
Numma Pompilius, the second legendary king of Rome is shown with the Empress Theodora. Numma, according to legend, is credited with establishing the origins of Roman ceremonial law and religious rites, and restructuring the calendar into days for business and holidays.
Source: The Maryland State Archives