"Layers of Love" will be installed at the intersection of Charles and North Ave. Wesley Clark’s goal, from the start, was to project a universally positive idea or sentiment desired by all: love, protection, safety, and family. These are the concepts that, in all stages of life, we humans, at our core, need to thrive.
"Layers of Love" depicts these ideas through a nesting doll-like family embrace. This sculpture portrays what some may call the archetypical or ideal family structure – a father and mother holding their two children. Yet, while the family as an institution is still held in high regard, what constitutes family in today's society has broadened.
In acknowledgment of this, Clark chose to incorporate this quote about family: "Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing." This quote will be engraved into the sculpture, wrapping around the back and sides, providing visual interest from all sides. The font will be large enough to be read at a distance when traveling east on North Ave.
The sculpture's outer finish will be layered to a thickness of 1 inch to 1-1/2 inches, stamped and carved concrete, designed to resemble rough-hewn slate. At its outermost dimensions, the sculpture will stand 6 feet tall, 5 feet wide, with a depth of 6 feet. With a curb height of 6 to 8 inches and roughly an additional 16 inches of height for the existing concrete slab, the final height of the sculpture will stand about 8 feet in relation to pedestrians.
Target installation September 2023.
Learn more about Wesley on his personal website: Wesley Clark